Monday, December 6, 2010

Lakeside 3D model [Top half of Entrance]

Once I had finished the Tilbury Fort model, it was time to move onto my next model.

This was to be the Lakeside Shopping centre, at first I had planned to model the entire Lakeside area, but after a group discussion we decided that the time left and also the time it would take to render would take to long and be stretching the group to thin to reach the deadline, I then deiced to model the main entrance of the gate.

Below is a picture I am going to be using as reference for my Entrance:-

To start with I created a basic block for the Entrance, I then added 14 segments all around the block, this would allow me to create a the windows as shown in the picture above.

To start with I selected each individual edge and extruded them out to make the window frames for the main entrance, also using the chamfer tool I was able to create the thicker frames that go around the entrance and though the middle, these thicker frames were also extruded, this allowed the for the main window shape to be indented into the main body of the model.

I then selected each polygon in between the frames and applied a glass material that I had made and for the frames I just applied a white material, I did this on all four sides of the entrance.

Here is a render of the material applied:-

As you can see the glass material has a slight blue tinge to it, also as its glass it has to be see through, I was happy with this material and would use it for all the glass later in my model.

For the roof of the Lakeside entrance I extruded the top edges of the block out to create a small overhang and then went around selecting all the polygons on the top of the housing I then extruded up by three, I then hit the shrink tool to deselect the outside polygons and followed extruded up by three a few more times until I had a staggered pyramid shape, then selecting the centre polygons extruded upwards by 10 and then selected the last individual polygon to create a small spire on the top of the gate, I then went around using the same rule as before by selecting the edges and extruded to create the window frames and applying the materials.

I was pleased with the result of the roof and was happy That I had managed to do this only using one block.

Below is a render of the roof and top spire:-

For the next part of the main entrance I was to model the large arch at the top of the entrance and to put the glass that fits inside it into it, this was done by selected the polygons I was going to use to create the arch, I then extruded these outwards, I then began to manually move the selected polygon upwards and after some tinkering created a circular shape I was happy with, I then just selected these extruded polygons and copied them up and back to created a multi-layered arch as shown in the picture.

Here's a render of the arch I created:-

Once I was happy with the shape of the arch I next created the glass to fit inside it the arch, this was done by making a simple cylinder and using the create tool I created the lines for were the window frames would be to correspond with the glass below, I then followed the same as I did before for the main body and roof windows, I then just had to place it in the arch, after a few minutes tinkering around with the extrusion tool I got a good fit and was happy with the result.

Here is a render of the glass and the glass attached to the arch:-

Once I was happy with this part of my model, my next part of the model was to create the doorway overhang cover, this was done quite simply by selected the very bottom polygons and extruded out by 10, also I angled the extrusion to better suit the main picture I am using as a reference, I then selected the far edges and then four more mirroring each other, I then extruded these in both directions to create the frames for the windows, I applied the glass material to hangover, but for the frames I applied a dark blue and made them less see-through.

Here is some renders of the overhang:-

For the last part of the top half of my model I created the Lakeside sign that is on the main entrance to Lakeside shown on the reference picture.

To do this I first created a simple block for the background and applied the glass material to it, I changed the material by making the glass a dark blue colour and reducing the opacity to make it less see-through.

I then applied the Word LAKESIDE by using the text tool and simply dropping it in front of block that I made, I made the text 3D by turning it into an editable poly and extruding the letters out by 10, I then applied the same white material I used for the window frames.

Heres the render of the Background and text:-

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