Monday, December 6, 2010

Lakeside Walls

The next part of my model was to create the walls for Lakeside, to do this I started with a basic block, I converted this to an editable poly and using the vertex tool move the wall into a shape the slightly resembled an L shape, I then copied this around to make 6 copies to give the shape I wanted for the layout of my Lakeside model.

I then had to make a exit for my model, this was done by again creating a block and converting to an editable poly, then by using the vertex tool I morphed the exits into a shape similar to a C.

I also cut out some polygons to make space for more glass doors to be placed in the exits.

I then applied a meterial to the walls, for the outside I made a beige material with a dent map applied and also used the same material for a orange strip that goes around the edge of the wall, I applied this material to the outside of the wall only, for the inside I applied a simple white material.

I also added the floor to the model using the same material and turning it grey.

Here is a render of the L and C shape parts of the wall:-

Here is a render of the walls attached and floor:-

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